Guideline 04/2020 –Use of location data and contact tracing tools in the context of COVID-19 outbreak
48 The world is facing a significant public health crisis that requires strong responses, which will have an impact beyond this emergency. Automated data processing and digital technologies can be key components in the fight against COVID-19. However, one should be wary of the “ratchet effect”. It is our responsibility to ensure that every measure taken in these extraordinary circumstances are necessary, limited in time, of minimal extentand subject to periodic and genuine review as well as to scientific evaluation.
49 The EDPB underlines that one should not have to choose between an efficient response to the current crisis and the protection of our fundamental rights: we can achieve both, and moreover data protection principles can play a very important role in the fight against the virus. European data protection law allows for the responsible use of personal data for health management purposes, while also ensuring that individual rights and freedoms are not eroded in the process.