Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Paragraph 3.2.3 Risks to free flow of personal data within the Union 44. Where the objection will refer to this particular risk, the CSA will need to clarify why it …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Paragraph 3.2.2 Risks to fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects 39. The issue at stake concerns the impact the draft decision as a whole would have on the data …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Paragraph 3.2.1 Meaning of “significance of the risks” 35. It is important to bear in mind that the goal of the work carried out by SAs is that of protecting …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Section 3.2 Significance of the risks posed by the draft decision See paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Paragraph 3.1.2 Compliance of the action envisaged in the draft decision in relation to the controller orprocessor with the GDPR 32. In this second scenario, the content of the relevant …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Paragraph 3.1.1 Existence of an infringement of the GDPR 25. In the first case, the content of the objection will amount to a disagreement between the CSA and the LSA …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Section 3.1 Existence of an infringement of the GDPR and/or compliance of the envisagedaction with the GDPR See paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 SECTION 3 CONTENT OF THE OBJECTION 23. The subject matter of the objection may refer to whether there is an infringement of the GDPR and/or to whether the envisaged action …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Section 2.2 “Reasoned” 17. In order for the objection to be “reasoned”, it needs to include clarifications and arguments as to why an amendment of the decision is proposed (i.e. …
Guidelines 9/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 Section 2.1 “Relevant” 12. In order for the objection to be considered as “relevant”, there must be a direct connection between the objection and the draft decision at issue. More …