Law No. 9887 on the Protection of Personal Data (in English)
Loi qualifiée 15/2003, du 18 décembre, sur la protection des données personnelles (in French)
Llei 15/2003, del 18 de desembre, qualificada de protecció de dades personals (in Catalan)
Lei No. 22/11 da Protecção de Dados Pessoais de 17 de Junho (in Portuguese)
Data Protection Act 2013 (in English)
Antigua and Barbuda Constitutional Order 1981 (in English)
Ley 25.326 de Protección de los Datos Personales (in Spanish)
Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Protection of Personal Data (in English)
Privacy Act 1988 (in English)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Law on Personal Data 2010 (in Azerbaijani)
Data Protection (Privacy of Personal Information) Act 2003 (in English)
Data Protection Bill 2005 (in English)
The Constitution of Barbados
Electronic Transactions Act, 2001 (in English)
Law Of The Republic Of Belarus On Information, Informatization and Protection of information – Law no. 8517 (in English, unofficial translation)
General Data Protection Regulation Recitals (GDPR Recitals)
EU (WP29) Guidelines on Data Protection Officers (DPO’s)
Guidelines, Recommendations, Best Practices issued by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
Loi n°2009-09 du 22 mai 2009 portant organisation de la protection des données à caractère personnel (in French)
Bhutan Information Communications and Media Act 2006 (in English)
Bhutan Information Communications and Media Act 2006 (in Dzongkha)
Ley general de Telecomunicaciones, Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación – Ley 167 de 08 agosto de 2011 (in Spanish)
Law on the Protection of Personal Data (in English)
Law on the Protection of Personal Data (in Bosanski)
Protection of Personal Data Bill 2011 (in Portuguese)
Loi n° 010-2004/AN Portant Protection des Données à Caractère Personnel (in French)
Lei n° 133/V/2001 of 22 January 2001 (in Portuguese)
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (in English and French)
Law 007/PR/2015 on the Protection of Personal Data
Law 19.628 of 1999 (in Spanish)
The Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Strengthening the Network Information Protection (2012).
Law 1266 of 2008- Habeas Data Act (in English, unofficial translation)
Ley Estatutaria 1266 de 2008 – Habeas Data Act (in Spanish)
Law No. 1581 of 2012 (in English, unofficial translation)
Ley de Protección de la Persona frente al tratamiento de sus datos personales, Nº 8968 (in Spanish)
Political Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica, consolidated version to October 5, 2005 (in English)
Constitución Política de la República de Costa Rica, versión refundida al 5 de octubre de 2005 (in Spanish)
Loi n° 2013-450 du 19 juin 2013 relative à la protection des données à caractère personnel (in French)
Law on Personal Data Protection (in English)
Privacy and Data Protection Bill 2007
Ley No. 172-13, sobre Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal del 13 de diciembre de 2013 (in Spanish)
Protection of Privacy and Personal Data Bill 2016
Constitution of the Republic of El Salavador, 1983, as Amended to 2003, article 2 (in English)
Decree No. 695, Official Journal No. 141. Last modified April 20, 2012
Customs Simplification Act
Law 1/2016 (Data protection law)
Loi n°001/2011 relative à la protection des données à
Information and Communications Act No. 2 of 2009 (in English)
Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection (in English)
Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection (in Georgian)
Data Protection Act (Act No. 843) 2012 – DPA (in English)
Anteproyecto de Ley de Protección de Datos Personales y Acción de Hábeas Data de Honduras (in Spanish)
Law on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data 1989 (in English)
Personal Data Protection Act 2019 (PDPA 2019)
Justice Shrikrishna Commitee Report
Indonesian Protection of Personal Data Law 2020
Law on Electronic Commerce (in English)
Law 71063 on Computer Crimes (in Persian)
Draft Data Protection and Privacy Law
Privacy Protection Act 1981 (in English)
Data Protection Bill 2012
The Constitution of Jamaica (in English)
Electronic Transactions Act No 15 of 2006 (in English)
Trade Act 1955 (in English)
Act on the Protection of Personal Information (in English, unofficial translation)
Data Protection Bill
Law on personal data and their protection, 21 May 2013 (in Russian)
Data Protection Bill 2012 (in English)
Korea’s Personal Information Protection Act was promulgated in 2011 as amended (in English)
Law No. 20 of 2014 (in English)
Law on Personal Data 2008 (in English, unofficial transalation)
Data Protection Act 2012
Gesetz über die Abänderung des Datenschutzgesetzes, 2002 (in German)
Loi No. 2014-38 (in French)
Electronic Transactions and Cybersecurity Act 2016
Electronic Transactions and Cybersecurity Act 2016Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (in English)
Loi n° 2013-015 du 21 mai 2013 (in French)
MaltaData Protection Act 2001 (in English)
Data Protection Act 2004 (in English)
Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares 2010 (in Spanish)
Act controlling personal data processing 1993 (in English)
Law on Personal Data Protection 2008 (in English)
Law No. 09-08/2009 on the protection of people toward data protection of a personal nature
Right to Information Act, 2064 (2007) (in English)
Data Protection in the Netherlands
Privacy Act 1993 (in English)
Ley No. 787 Ley de Protección de Datos Personales (in Spanish)
Projet de loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel
Data Protection Bill 2011
Personal Data Act 2000 (in English)
Royal Decree no. 69 of 2008 – Electronic Transactions Law (in English)
Electronic Data Protection Act 2005 – Draft (in English)
Personal Data Protection Bill 2016
Ley 4868/2013 de Comercio Electrónico
Ley 1682/2001 Reglamenta la Informacion de Caracter Privado (in Spanish)
Ley N° 29733 – Ley de Protección de Datos Personales (in Spanish)
Data Privacy Act of 2012 (in English)
Law No. 13 of 2016 Concerning Privacy and Protection of Personal Data
Law on Personal Data Protection 2007 (in English, unofficial translation)
Federal Law Regarding Personal Data 2006 (in English)
Privacy and Data Protection Bill 2012
Data Protection Act 2011 (in English)
Constitution of Saint Lucia
Privacy Act 2003
Law regulating the Computerized Collection of Personal Data 1983
Data Protection Law 2016
Loi n° 2008-12 du 25 janvier 2008 sur la protection des données à caractère personnel (in French)
Data Protection Act 2003 (in English)
Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (in English)
Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013
The Constitution of the Republic of Suriname, Article 17 (in English)
Federal Act on Data Protection, 1992 (in English)
Law on Protection of Information (December 2, 2002, № 71)
Personal Data Protection Bill 2011
Law on Personal Data Protection (in English, unofficial translation)
The Constitution of the Rpublic of Trinidad and Tobago (in English)
Law 63/2004 (in French)
The Data Protection and Privacy Bill, 2015 (in English)
Law on Personal Data Protection 2011 (in English)
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Data Protection Law
Data Protection Act 1998 (in English)
Data Protection Bill 2013
Privacy Act of 1974 (in English)
La Ley 18331 Protección de Datos Personales y Acción de Habeas Data”del 11 agosto del año 2008 y el Decreto reglamentario 414/2009 (in Spanish)
Law on Protection of Consumers’ Rights 2010 (in English)
Law of the Right of Access to Information 2012 (in English)
The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, Act Number 21 of 2009 – the Electronic
Draft Data Protection Bill 2016