DNA Technology Regulation Bill and Violation of Privacy for Minority Groups
DNA Technology Regulation Bill and Violation of Privacy for Minority Groups
As per the technology experts and privacy advocates, there is a constant fear of the violation of privacy for minority and marginalized groups with the coming of the proposed DNA Technology Regulation Law. According to the DNA Technology Regulation Bill, victims, criminal suspects, and missing persons can be profiled and their DNA information can be stored in national and regional data banks, allowing for more accurate identification. But the Bill after becoming a law could be seen in floating in a disproportionate manner in a country alike India where minorities are disproportionately criminalized and hence their data might be abused.
As per the experts, privacy concerns are there as DNA reveals information about a person’s ancestry and relations. Commencement of DNA Technology Regulation law in the absence of a statutory law regarding the protection of personal data would hamper the individual’s right to privacy. It could not be denied that a modern and a new DNA database would profit the criminal justice system but having it without a Personal Data Protection Law could be a threat in terms of accountability and privacy. As per the members of Parliament, it is possible for DNA to expose sensitive information that can be used to criminalize a community or caste.
Having a DNA Technology system with the goal of improving the criminal justice system, India must proceed with caution when presently no permanent law on personal data protection has come.
Source: https://thewire.in/government/dna-technology-regulation-bill-seen-to-harm-minorities-hurt-privacy
For more info, please contact me at sashaatolia@privacad.com
Sasha Atolia
Privacy & Data Protection Expert with Privacy Academy India (PAI)
Privacy & Data Protection Consultant with Privacy Consultancy Services India (PCS)