Guidelines 03/2019 on processing of personal data through video devices
110. It has long been inherent in European data protection law that data subjects should be aware of the fact that video surveillance is in operation. They should be informed in a detailed manner as to the places monitored. Under the GDPR the general transparency and information obligations are set out in Article 12 GDPR and following. Article 29 Working Party’s “Guidelines on transparency under Regulation 2016/679 (WP260)” which were endorsed by the EDPB on May 25th 2018 provide further details. In line with WP260 par. 26, it is Article 13 GDPR, which is applicable if personal data are collected “[…] from a data subject by observation (e.g. using automated data capturing devices or data capturing software such as cameras[…].”.
111. In light of the volume of information, which is required to be provided to the data subject, a layered approach may be followed by data controllers where they opt to use a combination of methods to ensure transparency (WP260, par. 35; WP89, par. 22). Regarding video surveillance the most important information should be displayed on the warning sign itself (first layer) while the further mandatory details may be provided by other means (second layer).