Article 21 Indonesian Data Protection Law 2020
(1) In processing the personal data, the personal Data controller is obliged to keep the personal Data confidential.
(2) Provisions regarding obligation to maintain the confidentiality of personal Data as intended in paragraph (1) are excluded in the case of:
a. The owner of the personal Data has given the consent referred to in article 19;
b. necessary for the purpose of carrying out the specific obligations and/or rights of the personal Data controller or from the owner of the personal Data in the field of employment, social security, taxation, supervision of the sector including the financial sector, the maintenance of the population administration, and/or social welfare that provides protection against the fundamental rights and interests of the data owner
c. necessary to protect the interests of the personal Data owner, which is either physically or legally competent; and/or
d. necessary for the sake of law enforcement.
(3) The exceptions referred to in paragraph (2) shall be executed in accordance with theprovisions of statutory regulations.