Article 18 Indonesian Data Protection Law 2020
(1) The processing of personal Data as intended in article 17 shall comply with the provisions of the valid agreement of the personal data owner for one or more of the specific purposes that have been communicated to the personal data owner.
(2) The consent referred to in paragraph (1) is not required in the event of a personal Data programmer to:
a. Fulfillment of the contractual obligations in respect of the owner of the personal Data is either party or to fulfill
b. The owner of the personal Data at the time of the Agreement;Fulfillment of legal obligations of personal Data controllerI in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations;
c. Protection of legitimate interests (vital interest)
d. Personal Data owner;The personal Data Controller’s authority in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations;
e. Fulfillment of KEwajiban the personal Data controller in public service for the public interest;
f. Fulfillment of other legitimate interests by observing the purpose, needs and balance of the personal Data controller and the personal Data owner’s rights.