Guidelines 1/2020 on processing personal data in the context of connected vehicles and mobility related applications
Guidelines 1/2020 on processing personal data in the context of connected vehicles and mobility related applications
Paragraph 3.2.2 Data collected
133. Regulation EU 2015/578 provides that data sent by the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system shall include only the minimum information as referred to in the standard EN 15722:2015 ‘Intelligent transport systems —eSafety —eCall minimumset of data (MSD)’ including:
− the indication if eCall has been manually or automatically triggered ;
− the vehicle type ;
− the vehicle identification number (VIN) ;
− the propulsion type of the vehicle ;
− the timestamp of the initial data message generation within the current eCall incident event ;
− the last known vehicle latitude and longitude position determined at the latest moment possible before message generation ;
− the vehicle’s last known real direction of travel determined at the latest moment possible before message generation (only the last three locations of the vehicle).