Personal data controller’s code of conduct (1) The Association of Business actors may form the personal Data Controller’s code of conduct. (2) The association of businessmen in forming the personal Data Controller’s code of conduct as intended in paragraph (1) …
Prohibition to sell or purchase personal data (1) Everyone is prohibited from falsifying personal Datawith the intent to benefit oneself or others or that may result in harm to others. (2) Everyone is prohibited from selling or purchasing personal Data.
Prohibition to use processing tools or visual data processors Every manis against the law by using processing tools or visual data processors installed in public places and/or public service facilities used to identify a person.
Prohibition of visual processing of personal data in public space Everyone is prohibited against the law of installing and/or operating visual data processing tools or processors in public places or public service facilities that may threaten and/or violate the protection …
Prohibition to process personal data to the benefit of oneself (1) Everyone is prohibited from obtaining or collecting anynon-proprietary Prib Data with the intention to benefit oneself or others against the law or may result in the loss of the …
Violation of articles with administrative sanctions (1) Violation of the provisions of article 21 paragraph (1), article 24, article 25 paragraph (1), article 26 paragraph (1), article 27, article 28, article 29, article 30 paragraph (1), article 31, article 32 …
Conditions for transfers of personal data outside the Republic of Indonesia (1) The personal Data controller may transfer personal data to the personal data controller outside the jurisdiction of the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the event …
Merger, separation, takeover or consolidatyion by legal entity (1) Personal Data Controller in the form of a legal entity conducting the merger, separation, takeover or consolidation of a legal entity shall provide the transfer of personal data to the personal …
Obligations of recipient of personal data (1) The personal Data controller may transfer personal data to other personal Data controllers in the jurisdiction of the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. (2) The controller of the personal data that …
Tasks of data protection officer(s) (1) Officers or officers carrying out the personal Data protection function have the least task: a. Inform and advise the personal Data controller or personal data Processor to comply with the provisions of the This …