Article 46 Indonesian Data Protection Law 2020
Tasks of data protection officer(s)
(1) Officers or officers carrying out the personal Data protection function have the least task:
a. Inform and advise the personal Data controller or personal data Processor to comply with the provisions of the
This law;
b. Monitor andredefine compliance with this Act and the personal Data processor or personal data processors policy, including assignments, responsibilities, awareness raising and training of parties involved in the processing of personal Data, and related audits;
c. give advice on assessment of the impact of personal data protection and monitor the performance of personal data controllers and processors
Personal Data; Dan
d. Coordinate and act as a person for issues relating to the processing of personal Data, in consultation with themitigation of risk and/or other matters.
(2) In carrying out the duties as referred to in paragraph (1), officers or officers who perform the personal data protection function are concerned about the risks associated with the processing of personal data, taking into consideration the nature, scope, context, and purpose of the processing.
(3) Further provisions of the officers or officers carrying out the personal Data protection function are governed by the Government regulation.