Article 45 Indonesian Data Protection Law 2020
Appointment of data protection officer(s)
(1) In certain cases, the personal data controller and the personal data processor are required to appoint an officer or officer who performs the personal Data protection function.
(2) In certain cases as referred to in paragraph (1) include:
a. Processing of the personal Data ofpublic service interests;
b. The core activities of the personal Data controller have the properties, scope, and/or objectives that require regular and systematic monitoring of personal Data on a large scale; Dan
c. The core activities of the Priba Data controllerconsist of the processing of large-scale personal data for specific personal data and/or personal data relating to criminal acts.
(3) Officers or officers carrying out the personal Data protection function as intended in paragraph (1) shall be appointed based on professional quality, knowledge of the laws and practices of personal data protection, and the ability to fulfill their duties.
(4) Officers or officers carrying out the personal Data protection function as statedin paragraph (3) may be from within and/or outside of the personal data controller or personal data processor.