Article 24 Indonesian Data Protection Law 2020
Information provided by data controller prior to consent
Article 24
In order to obtain the approval as intended in article 18 paragraph (1), the personal Data controller shall submit information on: a. Legality of the processing of personal Data;
b. purposes of processing personal Data;
c. and relevance of the personal Data that will be processed;
d. Retention period of documents containing personal Data;
e. Details about the information collected;
f. Term of processing of personal Data;
g. Proprietary rights of personal Data.
2. In conducting the processing of Data Pr, the personal data controller is obliged to show proof of consent that has been granted by the personal data owner.
3. In the event of a change of information as referred to in paragraph (1), the personal Data controller shall notify the owner of the personal data at least 7 x 24 (seven times twenty Four) hours after the change of information.